Saturday, July 22, 2006

Know thy masters...

I have long known that the events the government claim happened on September 11th, 2001 were not likely true and that what the country experienced as "9-11" was not what it appeared to be. I have been reluctant to talk about this with any but close friends but the government's story is coming apart at the seams and I believe it is time I share what I know and believe. I'd like you all to take a second to read the article found here at More importantly, I would like you to read the follow-up commentary. The article itself is an absolute load of untruth and sanctioned lies. The follow-up commentaries are nothing short of an education. This article published on July 11th and has so far received 275 comments, almost all rebuking the article and the unfounded government position it represents. It is well past time that we force our government to answer questions which they quietly and secretly refuse to even acknowledge. You can read the extended discussion which received its own lengthy 3-page section due to the volume of response. It's time we stop ignoring the blatant lies and convenient elusions heaped on we, the American people, by our very government.

It is a proven fact, not conspiracy theory, that George Bush lost the 2000 election. It is a fact that the Bush administration lied about Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction. In case you were not aware, there were none. There are actually compiled lists of lies, documented and proven, told by this administration and yet no one is holding them accountable. It appears that we may now have to add one of the most horrific moments in US history to that list of lies. I don't speculate what did happen, but it certainly was not what the government says happened and what they used as a cattle prod to bring our nation to war.

Please read the comments... the article is expendable so if you don't have the time or patience for alot of reading, start here. I don't agree with the tone of some of the things written but I know that what is being said is not new information and has been in circulation for years now. I am interested to hear any responses you guys may have to this.