Sunday, July 30, 2006
"We were going to have a baptismal service down at the beach but the water's contaminated."
Monday, July 24, 2006
Well after a long, hot day of slinging way too much furniture, we got Mom moved okay. So now we're in a nice little place downtown that's filled with boxes and assorted packed goods. Mom and I went to the apartment before the move to figure out where furniture could go so it's all pretty much arranged... just not unpacked yet. It's cozy, it's quiet, and it's alot cooler (temperature-wise) than the burbs. You can see the Coronado bridge from Mom's place and the bay is about 2 miles straight down Broadway. It's a good location. She's excited to be in her own kitchen again and I'm looking forward to a nice home-cooked meal tonight or tomorrow. Above all though, we're all just glad to not be lugging boxes around anymore.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Know thy masters...
I have long known that the events the government claim happened on September 11th, 2001 were not likely true and that what the country experienced as "9-11" was not what it appeared to be. I have been reluctant to talk about this with any but close friends but the government's story is coming apart at the seams and I believe it is time I share what I know and believe. I'd like you all to take a second to read the article found here at More importantly, I would like you to read the follow-up commentary. The article itself is an absolute load of untruth and sanctioned lies. The follow-up commentaries are nothing short of an education. This article published on July 11th and has so far received 275 comments, almost all rebuking the article and the unfounded government position it represents. It is well past time that we force our government to answer questions which they quietly and secretly refuse to even acknowledge. You can read the extended discussion which received its own lengthy 3-page section due to the volume of response. It's time we stop ignoring the blatant lies and convenient elusions heaped on we, the American people, by our very government.
It is a proven fact, not conspiracy theory, that George Bush lost the 2000 election. It is a fact that the Bush administration lied about Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction. In case you were not aware, there were none. There are actually compiled lists of lies, documented and proven, told by this administration and yet no one is holding them accountable. It appears that we may now have to add one of the most horrific moments in US history to that list of lies. I don't speculate what did happen, but it certainly was not what the government says happened and what they used as a cattle prod to bring our nation to war.
Please read the comments... the article is expendable so if you don't have the time or patience for alot of reading, start here. I don't agree with the tone of some of the things written but I know that what is being said is not new information and has been in circulation for years now. I am interested to hear any responses you guys may have to this.
It is a proven fact, not conspiracy theory, that George Bush lost the 2000 election. It is a fact that the Bush administration lied about Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction. In case you were not aware, there were none. There are actually compiled lists of lies, documented and proven, told by this administration and yet no one is holding them accountable. It appears that we may now have to add one of the most horrific moments in US history to that list of lies. I don't speculate what did happen, but it certainly was not what the government says happened and what they used as a cattle prod to bring our nation to war.
Please read the comments... the article is expendable so if you don't have the time or patience for alot of reading, start here. I don't agree with the tone of some of the things written but I know that what is being said is not new information and has been in circulation for years now. I am interested to hear any responses you guys may have to this.
Moving day cometh...
Ah... Saturday. Time to sleep in, kick back and relax with a nice cold glass of tea. Oh wait... that's right... we're moving tomorrow. So much for ice tea and relaxation... I'm sweating my ass off here! We've gotten most everything packed this morning and are getting ready to take the first carload of stuff over. We're not getting the moving truck until tomorrow but we get the place today so we're taking over things that fit in the car... you know how it goes. Supposedly they've painted and installed new carpet. Mom's really excited. She has her own space again... more importantly her own kitchen again. We'll get a few things over there today and do some cleaning and whatnot and then we get the truck at 8 tomorrow morning and the fun begins. Ok, she's ready to go now...
Saturday, July 15, 2006
January Hangover
by Pedro Pietri (New York)
To be with you is my desire
To stay away from you is my ambition
The magic of your great moments
Awakens the superior inspiration
Responsible for perfect compliments
We have many things to talk about
And we have nothing to talk about
The religion of the sleepless candle
Detaining the discovery of daylight
When the definition of madness is love
Was lit by your knowledge of darkness
Your comfort corrects all the mistakes
I was born to make in this world
You are a very simple person
With a complicated personality
Uninvited visitors with visions
Of watering your plants everyday
Commit suicide to write poems about you
It is impossible to love you madly
Without actually loving you madly
For the best results of your secrets
Of summer I will sacrifice my sanity
And become brilliantly absentminded
To remember how much I adore you
poem taken from Bum Rush the Page, Tony Medina & Louis Reyes Rivera, ed.
To be with you is my desire
To stay away from you is my ambition
The magic of your great moments
Awakens the superior inspiration
Responsible for perfect compliments
We have many things to talk about
And we have nothing to talk about
The religion of the sleepless candle
Detaining the discovery of daylight
When the definition of madness is love
Was lit by your knowledge of darkness
Your comfort corrects all the mistakes
I was born to make in this world
You are a very simple person
With a complicated personality
Uninvited visitors with visions
Of watering your plants everyday
Commit suicide to write poems about you
It is impossible to love you madly
Without actually loving you madly
For the best results of your secrets
Of summer I will sacrifice my sanity
And become brilliantly absentminded
To remember how much I adore you
poem taken from Bum Rush the Page, Tony Medina & Louis Reyes Rivera, ed.
A story to go with a picture...
A few days ago I posted an old picture of Grandpa [see below]. Grammy saw it and told me a story:
We were livin' in Circleville, Ohio and I was takin' the kids to town. Russ was five, your momma was four. It wasn't far... oh... maybe ten or fifteen miles... (hah!) so as we were walkin' a milk truck stopped and picked us up. Now, I taught your momma never to take rides from strangers but we all piled into that cab and your momma looked at that driver and said,
"You ain't gonna hurt us and you ain't gonna try to kiss my momma are ya?"
Ha! That cracked me up! Thanks for the story, Grammy!
We were livin' in Circleville, Ohio and I was takin' the kids to town. Russ was five, your momma was four. It wasn't far... oh... maybe ten or fifteen miles... (hah!) so as we were walkin' a milk truck stopped and picked us up. Now, I taught your momma never to take rides from strangers but we all piled into that cab and your momma looked at that driver and said,
"You ain't gonna hurt us and you ain't gonna try to kiss my momma are ya?"
Ha! That cracked me up! Thanks for the story, Grammy!
Friday, July 14, 2006
by Nancy Mercado (New York)
in a hurry
Time to scurry
onto shore
To restore
It's a chore
Years of damage
U.S. manage
To create
Then escape
Starving pleas
Crown Heights
Given time
Stomp the mission
To envision
Our control
Stop patrols
Of our souls
Welfare goods
Our innate
Driven state
To be free
Liquid assets
Different facets
Of a leash
So to cease
Of our kin
Darkened skins
James Baldwin
Tito Puente
Leonard Jeffreys
Will not stand
Give up command
To the man's
To disguise
L.A. rights
To death fight
Missing flights
Into space
Shuttle craft
As they laugh
In our face
We're fooled
Out of school
Drugs are tools
To exclude
From the plan
To withstand
Our demise
Live as one
Daughters, sons
Fathers, mothers
Sisters, brothers
Earth and sky
Never stalked
Never game
Just the same
For all time
Human kind
Use our minds
Make connections
No such thing
As elections
Earth runs on
Stocks and bonds
All our pride
Banish us
Into dust
Will not be
We'll not flee
Kings & Queens
Of the sun
Of all men
This the plan
We Will Stand!
poem taken from Bum Rush the Page Tony Medina & Louis Reyes Rivera, ed.
in a hurry
Time to scurry
onto shore
To restore
It's a chore
Years of damage
U.S. manage
To create
Then escape
Starving pleas
Crown Heights
Given time
Stomp the mission
To envision
Our control
Stop patrols
Of our souls
Welfare goods
Our innate
Driven state
To be free
Liquid assets
Different facets
Of a leash
So to cease
Of our kin
Darkened skins
James Baldwin
Tito Puente
Leonard Jeffreys
Will not stand
Give up command
To the man's
To disguise
L.A. rights
To death fight
Missing flights
Into space
Shuttle craft
As they laugh
In our face
We're fooled
Out of school
Drugs are tools
To exclude
From the plan
To withstand
Our demise
Live as one
Daughters, sons
Fathers, mothers
Sisters, brothers
Earth and sky
Never stalked
Never game
Just the same
For all time
Human kind
Use our minds
Make connections
No such thing
As elections
Earth runs on
Stocks and bonds
All our pride
Banish us
Into dust
Will not be
We'll not flee
Kings & Queens
Of the sun
Of all men
This the plan
We Will Stand!
poem taken from Bum Rush the Page Tony Medina & Louis Reyes Rivera, ed.
Thursday, July 13, 2006

from The Waste Lands by Stephen King
By John Chambers
"I will show you fear in a handful of dust."
-T.S. "Butch" Eliot
"My first thought was, he lied in every word."
-Robert "Sundance" Browning
The gunslinger is the truth.MY UNDERSTANDING OF TRUTH
By John Chambers
"I will show you fear in a handful of dust."
-T.S. "Butch" Eliot
"My first thought was, he lied in every word."
-Robert "Sundance" Browning
Roland is the truth.
The Prisoner is the truth.
The Lady of Shadows is the truth.
The way station is the truth.
The Speaking Demon is the truth.
We went under the mountain. That is the truth.
There were monsters under the mountain. That is the truth.
One of them had an Amoco gas pump between his legs and was pretending it was his penis. That is the truth.
Roland let me die. That is the truth.
I still love him.
That is the truth.
When is a door not a door? When it's a jar, and that is the truth.
Blaine is the truth.
Blaine is the truth.
What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck, and that is the truth.
Blaine is the truth.
You have to watch Blaine all the time, Blaine is a pain, and that is the truth.
I'm pretty sure that Blaine is dangerous, and that is the truth.
What is black and white and red all over? A blushing zebra, and that is the truth.
Blaine is the truth.
I want to go back and that is the truth.
I have to go back and that is the truth.
I'll go crazy if I don't go back and that is the truth.
I can't go home again unless I find a stone a rose a door and that is the truth.
Choo-choo, and that is the truth.
Choo-choo. Choo-choo.
Choo-choo. Choo-choo. Choo-choo.
I am afraid. That is the truth.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Arnold Smith - 1962
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Movin' on up...
So this week's big news is that mom is moving downtown! She and Corey were looking for an apartment in the burbs but when a lead appeared on a place near downtown, she thought it would be worth at least looking into. Not two weeks later and voila! She loves this new place... it's a nice little gentrified joint just on the fringe of downtown. I'm going to go see it today for the first time and then she and I are meeting one of her urbane co-workers for a jaunt through the neighborhood. I'm excited for her because I think she's going to love urban life... I'm excited for me because my last month in California is going to be in the city! The trolley is a half mile down the street and the heart of downtown is a mile away. She's getting really excited about the move... she hates actually moving but she's excited to get to a new place. In the Army we always said that the best two places you'll ever be are the place you just came from and the place you're going... I can attribute to that. So we'll be moving in two weeks... lots to do. On a related note, I think Thomas and Suzi are buying a house in Ottawa so I will be helping them move too a week after I get home. Anyone else while I'm at it?
The other big news of the week is my computer. I sent it off last week for repairs and, though it cost me alot more money to fix than I wanted to spend, it came back almost a wholly new computer. The only parts that are from the old computer are the back case of the display, the hard drive, and the disk drive. They installed a new logic board, new sound card, new fan, new display, new case, and new keyboard... it's just like having a new computer all over again! I'm excited to have it back. In fact, I'm sitting outside writing right now. It's a beautiful morning... the one thing this place has going for it is that the mornings and evenings are almost always perfect... no matter how hot it gets during the day.
I'm almost done with another book... this one is a much more involved read than the rest of my summer list so far so it's taking me longer to get through it. It's called The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Jenne recommended it... imagine that. It took awhile for me to really get into it and I was growing skeptical as to how good a book it really was (though it is a Pulitzer) but without warning I found myself hooked. I don't generally get emotionally involved in books but this one has won me over. I have a hundred pages or so to finish... hopefully this weekend... and then I'm going to take on book 3 of Stephen King's Dark Tower. After that I had a book given to me by a lady at work called The Untold Story of Mao that I'm excited to get started. I'm hoping to finish those two books and then the remaining four books of The Dark Tower this month... heavy load but I think I can do it.
Guess that's it for now. I'm going to go fish some laundry out of the dryer, clean my room and read... exciting stuff, huh? Until next time... peace.
"Every golden age is as much a matter of disregard as of felicity" -Michael Chabon, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
The other big news of the week is my computer. I sent it off last week for repairs and, though it cost me alot more money to fix than I wanted to spend, it came back almost a wholly new computer. The only parts that are from the old computer are the back case of the display, the hard drive, and the disk drive. They installed a new logic board, new sound card, new fan, new display, new case, and new keyboard... it's just like having a new computer all over again! I'm excited to have it back. In fact, I'm sitting outside writing right now. It's a beautiful morning... the one thing this place has going for it is that the mornings and evenings are almost always perfect... no matter how hot it gets during the day.
I'm almost done with another book... this one is a much more involved read than the rest of my summer list so far so it's taking me longer to get through it. It's called The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Jenne recommended it... imagine that. It took awhile for me to really get into it and I was growing skeptical as to how good a book it really was (though it is a Pulitzer) but without warning I found myself hooked. I don't generally get emotionally involved in books but this one has won me over. I have a hundred pages or so to finish... hopefully this weekend... and then I'm going to take on book 3 of Stephen King's Dark Tower. After that I had a book given to me by a lady at work called The Untold Story of Mao that I'm excited to get started. I'm hoping to finish those two books and then the remaining four books of The Dark Tower this month... heavy load but I think I can do it.
Guess that's it for now. I'm going to go fish some laundry out of the dryer, clean my room and read... exciting stuff, huh? Until next time... peace.
"Every golden age is as much a matter of disregard as of felicity" -Michael Chabon, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
Monday, July 03, 2006
Jenne got accepted into OU Law school! Most of you know who Jenne is... if you don't, the short version is that she's my best friend. She worked her ass off trying to get there and the amoeba on the selection committee took a few months longer than they should have to decide but she finally found out today! Congratulations, Jenne...

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Ben Frankiln
Another week gone by, another book read. I've finished Salem's Lot and started The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. It came highly recommended to me... I hope it gets better because the first hundred pages or so just haven't done it for me yet. Its a Pulitzer winner too... I figure it has to get good eventually. Other than that I've just been working. I've spent a day or two down at the beach reading and I'm going to Mission Bay with Mom and Corey today to meet some people from work for a picnic/BBQ thing. Fun. I've been looking around with mom to find a new apartment for them to move into next month. Overpriced. I've been poking around trying to find an architecture competition or whatnot to enter else I fear my brain will atrophy. Bored. I went to the contemporary art museum downtown and saw a show by artists from Tijuana. There was some beautiful work there... alot of it politically motivated. It would seem America is infecting Mexico with tract housing and runoff poverty. Mexicans. I sat in La Jolla [pronounced hoya] cove last night for a few hours and watched the sun fall into the ocean. Kerplunk.
So enjoy your Independance Day. Remember that you are celebrating the day that our forefathers declared an end to the inhumanities and injustices laid upon us by a tyrant. Remember that you are celebrating a system that gives every citizen the power to come out from underneath the tyranny of evil men. Remember that you are being oppressed so subtley and so expertly, you are meant not to feel it and you may not... yet... but I assure you that your rights are being disolved and your privacy sold. Slowly, like a creeping cancer, you are not allowed to say certain words, to be certain places, to do certain things because it goes against what a small group of individuals think. And in order to insure that you are not saying, going, or doing those forbidden things you are being watched through cameras, things you buy are logged, the places your vehicle goes is recorded, the phone calls you make are traced and ther destination and duration reported. It is happening... I wish I had to make this up, but I don't.
Happy Independance Day everyone... peace!
Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. -Paulo Friere
So enjoy your Independance Day. Remember that you are celebrating the day that our forefathers declared an end to the inhumanities and injustices laid upon us by a tyrant. Remember that you are celebrating a system that gives every citizen the power to come out from underneath the tyranny of evil men. Remember that you are being oppressed so subtley and so expertly, you are meant not to feel it and you may not... yet... but I assure you that your rights are being disolved and your privacy sold. Slowly, like a creeping cancer, you are not allowed to say certain words, to be certain places, to do certain things because it goes against what a small group of individuals think. And in order to insure that you are not saying, going, or doing those forbidden things you are being watched through cameras, things you buy are logged, the places your vehicle goes is recorded, the phone calls you make are traced and ther destination and duration reported. It is happening... I wish I had to make this up, but I don't.
Happy Independance Day everyone... peace!
Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. -Paulo Friere
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