Steven (12), Nicholas (6), and Peter Parker Mical (20 mo.)...
I made this for Nicholas for his 6th birthday. The overall painting, including frame, is about 18"x24"... It's called Emporer Magnafique or Medium Emporer...
This was my studio area at the end of the semester... this is my creative place. I slept here under the desk (which you can barely make out in the corner) 3 or 4 days a week...
This one is tough to see but it is the piece I gave my mother for Mother's day... each square panel is 10"x10" and it acordian-folds into a booklet. The first panel on the left is the cover as seen closed, then the second and the last panels are the insides of the cover with the rest being the center. She really liked it... I really enjoyed making it.