Sunday, March 30, 2008
strike two
In two days.
I'm excited and terrified all at the same time. I think I chose the right length of time to be here in India. I'll be ready to come home on Tuesday. I'm excited to get home and cook stir fry with Katy. I'm excited to see my cats. I'm excited to see my friends and be home. I'm terrified because the thesis writing hasn't been happening here. I've tried every day but can get nothing to come out. I'm really hoping that when I get home into my writing environment, it wil all just come. I've been doing alot of thinking about my thesis and how it relates to where I'm at. I can only hope once I'm out of the environment that it will click. I trust it will. Two weeks. Two weeks after I get home my thesis will be due. Then in two weeks I have to present the whole project. Yikes. This is what it all comes down to. I'm not nervous about failing, I'm nervous about not doing as well as I want. Same old story, different year. I'm excited to be done, finally. I really enjoy school and will miss alot about the environment, but I'm excited to do something different for awhile.
On that note, looks like I'll be heading to Vancouver at the end of the summer, for sure. Katy was accepted into UBC with advanced standing and accepted her offer this week! She had a pretty wicked portfolio and her school work has been top notch the whole way. She's really diverse and well developed as an artist and a designer so of course they had to let her in with advanced standing. I'm real proud of her. I don't think it's quite set in with her exactly what she's accomplished but it'll hit eventually. So we'll work in Ottawa for the summer and I will try to find a job in Vancouver while we're still here. Then, come August or so, we'll pack up in something with wheels, as yet to be determined, and follow the sunset for a couple of weeks. Can't wait.
Ok, time to get off here. Hope all is well with you.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Doin' the Delhi thing...
Still alive and healthy here... Delhi has become kinda humdrum but I am getting some reading done for school so it's ok. Life is still as busy, noisy and dusty as before but I've kinda gotten used to it. The new has definitely worn off and I've started to get excited about going home. I can't wait to relax in my apartment and cook dinner with Katy. Ah, the simple pleasures in life. I'd like to post photos, but the computers in Delhi are ridiculously slow so you'll all have to wait until I return for pictures. Then there will be a mass dump. In fact, I will just make an album on another site and link it here. Alright, I'm almost at my half-hour mark. I'll check in again later. Now I'm off to the Modern Art Museum.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
New Delhi
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I found heaven and it has hammocks.
I'm alive and well in Delhi now. Goa was beyond amazing. We were at a tiny secluded beach that may as well have been private. We drove for a couple hours through the countryside to get there and once we did it was unbelievable. I will upload pictures later. I spent a roll of film just on that place. Absolutely the polar opposite of where I was in Mumbai. So I made it tonight to Delhi and have gotten checked into a guesthouse. I'll take it easy and do some writing tonight on the rooftop restaurant at my guesthouse. Exciting. Things couldn't be better, in general. No health problems, the food is amazing, and I'm on budget still. So here goes Delhi! I have no idea what I'm going to do. We'll see when it happens. Less than a week to go. Time to do some more thesis work.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
No more Urban Typhoon
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
And then there was day two...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Day two blues...
Just kidding, this place is AMAZING!
Hi all, So day one is done and it is now the morning of day 2. It doesn't feel like I've only been here a day. Mumbai is the most amazing and fantastical city I can ever hope to visit, I think. It is not pleasant, but it is so exotic. It's loud and crowded and bustling. The air is thick with smells of spices, herbs, food, oils and perfumes. The traffic is a constant blur of sound in the background. It's hot here... somewhere around 90 degrees (you convert that to Celsius) and really muggy. We met with the people of Koliwada yesterday for the workshop and spent the day figuring out a project for our group. Koliwada is a fishing village in Dharavi that is amongst the oldest villages on what used to be the chain of islands that is now Mumbai. My group and I will map their main street businesses today and present a plan to change their niche to that of an education area for craftsmen. :) THey used to be fishermen (for centuries) but there are no more fish in the black sludge that used to be a river. Now they survive by subdiving their housing and renting pieces out and they have also set up alot of little shops in their village. More on all that later. The Kolis are very happy to have us here and it is a very special experience to have such an intimate relationship with locals. I walk around the slums completely unmolested (except for the throngs of children who want their pictures taken and the occasional drunk man who wants to sell us a a belt) and walk through some otherwise creepy areas with no fear at all. This is a grimy place, but it's not what the pictures make it out to be. Hopefully I can upload some pictures soon. For now, I need to run and meet my group. More later...
Sunday, March 16, 2008
made it...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Going to Dharavi!

Well ladies and gents, it's time I say farewell to North America again for a while. later today I'll be flying out for my 3 week trip to India. For those who may not have heard yet, I was awarded research funding to go to Mumbai and New Delhi, India for participation in a week long design workshop and then 2 weeks doing independent research. I'm really excited and have been working really hard to get far enough along on my thesis work that I can afford the travel time. I'm also going to be visiting the site for my thesis design project, actually. I don't really know what to expect. I've done so much research and now it's time to actually go do it. I'll be in the first and third largest cities in the world... it's gonna be a wild ride! Keep a loose eye on because if I can get to an internet cafe, I plan on checking in every few days if it's feasible. You might also be able to keep tabs at the project's two official sites, (where the product of the workshop will be posted) and (where you can learn about the workshop and the people involved). Here goes the adventure of my life! Wish me luck!