Hi everyone... but mostly Mary K. I was thinking about you last night as I made tea using the kettle you sent me. Then Mom emailed and mentioned you so I figured I should hop on and jot a note. Didn't realize it had been so long since I posted. Time flies. To skip over the vitals, Katy and I wrapped our vacation up at the beginning of September and came back to Ottawa in time for school to start, yet again. Got settled in and have been doing school full time for a month or so now.
School has started fast and furious. I have gotten alot of work done and am really pleased with my work ethic so far. We'll see if I can keep it up. Tuesday I have my first review. I should be writing my abstract now but am doing this instead. (Ah! Sweet distractions!) I have picked my site for my project and done some preliminary work. Soon I will begin on the actual building. I have really enjoyed my teaching assistant job so far. The kids all get alot out of me, it seems. They ask alot of questions and invite me to their desks to see what they're doing. I enjoy having such a receptive audience. It's really validating sometimes. I'm helping in 3rd year studio. They have been building a project we call "Dinner is Served," where they design a pavillion to seat 8 and serve a meal out next to the river on campus. It's the first time they are let loose as students to design anything and the first time they get to build. It's a great project. Tomorrow night is their presentation. I'll be amongst a couple dozen people that go out to have dinner with one of the pavilions.
I look forward to it.
This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving. Yeah, I know... Thanksgiving before Halloween, how's
that work? So I'm finishing my work for Tuesday by tonight and we're going to visit Katy's parents in Toronto for Thanksgiving. I get
TURKEY this weekend! I don't have a camera on hand to show you a picture, but you can imagine I am one happy boy. I get to see her family

again... I like them... they like me. It's good times.
Um... what else...? Nothing, I guess. Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm alive. Sorry for being so irregular. You know how it gets sometimes. Thank you to all the regulars who stick with me through the droughts. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, everyone!